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.Many people follow greatness, but really, it’s the ants who find it…everytime.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine mAdNeSs

*Red Alert*The V-day is nigh!Men are in danger of being smothered! I just spent a fortune(considering i am not working yet..yes, it is a fortune) buying gifts for my valentine. It is a small token that holds much importance for both the missus and yours truly. For her, it is a time to be pampered while for me it's pure torture. Pure torture because if i do not deliver i stand the risk of being alone on Tuesday 15th February 2011.I do not intend to be alone anytime soon so i'll just strive to get her sth__even if it means having to Okoa Jahazi(borrowing cash) Truth be told,if i were told to skip one day of my life,it would have to be this "Day of love". I don't see anything about love here. Seriously, this is one day specifically made for all men in relationships to make asses of themselves. Imagine a grown man walking in town with a huge bouquet of flowers in hand and a silly grin slapped on the poor fellows face.(A piece of advice to men..please send someone to deliver whatever bribe you are taking to your sweetheart)Today i heard many a girl telling their dudes not to forget this very important day(for them)I sympathize with the men who may not manage to foot all the expenses.If you might not be able to scrape through that darned bill..ebu anza kuchapa route 11(i hope you know what that is). For the ladies, please do not expect too much.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tweet Power

That twitter and other social networking sites have revolutionized the global political scene is not something to be argued.The fortunate(or maybe unfortunate)happenings are clearly seen in the North African countries of Tunisia,and Egypt.Twitter has been at the fore-front by acting as a reliable news source in this somewhat troubled states. Egypt for instance has been the trending topic for a while in the past week.It was common to see tweets(posts on twitter) being preceded by the hash tag #egypt and #tahrirsquare. The most amazing thing is that despite Egypt President Mubarak's attempts to gag the internet site, techno-savvy Egyptians somehow managed to tell the world the intricate happening's of the country.Even though President Mubarak's allies tried to prevent international journalists from reporting as it was in Egypt,even going as much as threatening them, the upsurge in Egypt continued to be talked about on the social networking site. This is what i call tweet power(somehow corrupted from the phrase 'people power')I am sure the founders of twitter had not anticipated that their *works of art* would redefine the political landscape in some countries. It isn't a wonder that facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was named 'Time Person OF The year' last year. We can't say that this redefinition is as a result of twitter but rather that twitter accelerated the 'redefinition' This is unlike years past when revolutions were either accelerated by word of mouth or through the print media. We can only wonder what tweet power will lead to in future

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Top Ten Tweets of 2010

2010 saw some people post the most hilarious tweets on twitter. I've rated them from number 10 to number 1...according to me.(humour is relative with people)

10.@Crazynairobian Lol. After iPhone, iPad, iTouch for priests, they are now releasing iDiot and iNdia. @amColloNelMinaj #NewAppleReleases

9.@statusmessages just found a 'made in Taiwan' stamp on my left buttock! #funny

8.@statusmessages I maybe fat ..But I can lose weight .U just cant fix STUPID!! #funny

7.@amtheCollonel : It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy!!!!

6.@fabio_capello How come baby Jesus didn't have a crib for a bed - his dad was a fucking carpenter.

5.@lizzy_wheezy XD RT @HexHeizzy: hehe RT @iamrodneyking: Walking in Riverroad n I just saw the Kenyan version of Machete. Its called panga...

4.@sickolia Ati if Ed,Edd and Eddy were kenyan they would be kip,kipchir and kipchirchir.

3.@alfredmutua Kiraitu Murungi, and his trousers too, have gone for lunch

2.@Don_Ndritu #thingsyoudontwanttohearinsurgery 'Are you sure HE had a uterus before?'
1. @crazynairobian There's a guy in this mat whose relationship with his toothbrush is listed as complicated.

p/s follow me at @amtheCollonel.Feel free to comment

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I don't know what is more fascinating..that I've finally bothered to blog (which is ironical considering my interest in writing) or that am writing this out of plain frustration and the need to blow off some steam. You decide. By you I mean the person who has graciously bothered to read this unflattering and probably non-sensical piece. I'd be undoubtedly surprised if you do not give up towards the end out of boredom. For those who are looking for a wide range of collegeboard-like vocabulary, this note might not necessarily live up to your expectations. I prefer to keep my writing simple to accommodate even the light-headed. Well, enough beating around the bush*no pun intended*. Since when life gives you a lemon, you're supposedly supposed to make lemonade yet I don't have the strength to squeeze a lemon right now, I should probably be looking for a blender #metaphorically speaking#. Needless to mention that this post seems not to be going anywhere topically. I should just leave it at that and bask in the satisfaction of seeing:
Post (1)

PS: The three minutes of your life wasted in reading this note will never be recovered.Happy New Year by the way!