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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tweet Power

That twitter and other social networking sites have revolutionized the global political scene is not something to be argued.The fortunate(or maybe unfortunate)happenings are clearly seen in the North African countries of Tunisia,and Egypt.Twitter has been at the fore-front by acting as a reliable news source in this somewhat troubled states. Egypt for instance has been the trending topic for a while in the past week.It was common to see tweets(posts on twitter) being preceded by the hash tag #egypt and #tahrirsquare. The most amazing thing is that despite Egypt President Mubarak's attempts to gag the internet site, techno-savvy Egyptians somehow managed to tell the world the intricate happening's of the country.Even though President Mubarak's allies tried to prevent international journalists from reporting as it was in Egypt,even going as much as threatening them, the upsurge in Egypt continued to be talked about on the social networking site. This is what i call tweet power(somehow corrupted from the phrase 'people power')I am sure the founders of twitter had not anticipated that their *works of art* would redefine the political landscape in some countries. It isn't a wonder that facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was named 'Time Person OF The year' last year. We can't say that this redefinition is as a result of twitter but rather that twitter accelerated the 'redefinition' This is unlike years past when revolutions were either accelerated by word of mouth or through the print media. We can only wonder what tweet power will lead to in future

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